Elevae's Commitment
to the Joint Commission Standard
Discover our compliance and certifications
Joint Commission Certificate
The Joint Commission™ Health Care Staffing Services (HCSS) certification provides you with an independent, comprehensive evaluation of your firm’s ability to offer expert staffing services. Health care staffing firms seek certification because it demonstrates their commitment to delivering a higher standard of service. Other benefits of certification include:
* Provides a framework for organizational structure and management
* Provides a competitive edge in the marketplace
* Enhances staff recruitment and development
* Is recognized by insurers and other third parties
* May reduce liability insurance costs
Any individual or organization that has a concern about the Quality and Safety of Patient Care delivered by Elevae Partners’ healthcare professionals which has not been addressed by Elevae Partners’ management is encouraged to contact the Joint Commission at www.jointcommission.org or by calling the Office of Quality Management at + (630) 792-5636. Elevae Partners demonstrates this commitment by taking no retaliatory or disciplinary action against providers when they do report safety or quality of care concerns to the Joint Commission
Quality Report
The purpose of Quality Check® is to list Joint Commission accreditation status. Organizations listed on Quality Check that are not accredited by The Joint Commission are for comparison purposes only and not to be considered an endorsement by The Joint Commission.
Consumers should not rely on this information for choosing a provider without verifying its accuracy. Learn more at: https://www.qualitycheck.org/